In our aim of letting our students' talents come out, this time studentsRus came up with the idea of a photo exhibition, so a few mates sent us their pics and there you are! A small but nice exhibition held at the lobby together with a projection of some artistic photographs from Justi's personal archive, which we thank him so much.
We'd also like to thank Mr. Fernando Alcántara, of Foto Alkántara Torrijos, who kindly developed our students' shots at low price.
We'll keep on searching for your abilities to show; if you have a talent don't hesitate to give us a talk.


After reading Najwa and Celia's letter "@mor.es", we know you just can't wait for the second price.  In this case it is Sabrin Yermak who will delight us with her wonderful story and here you are:

Fueron muchas las veces que dije… “no pienso enamorarme nunca”. Y muchas más las que me lo creí. Creo que fue por eso por lo que se me hizo tan difícil reconocerlo… Pero como dijo una vez alguien, nunca digas nunca.
Todo empezó dos años atrás, tenía 16 años y me creía la reina de la tarima. Una inmadura, con ganas de comerse el mundo. Una chica que  creía saberlo todo y que nada la hacía más ilusión que saber que el sábado tenía algún cumpleaños e iba a quedarse algo más tarde por la noche. Coqueta, presumida, rebelde… Lo que se dice de una niña de 16 años de toda la vida. Una noche estando en el único pub que hay en mi pueblo, pasó un chico al que yo ya conocía de oídas… que si “qué guapo era” que si “quién le tuviera” lo típico, comentarios que a mi parecer sólo se merecía Mario Casas. Un chico normal y corriente. Yo, me reía mirando como todas mis amigas se quedaban embobadas mientras bebía un traguito más… No pasaron a penas diez minutos cuando me empezaron a dar codazos descaradamente diciendo que me estaba mirando… ¿pero qué más me daba? ¡Qué exageración!
Al día siguiente como vicio de cualquier adolescente aquella época, me metí en Tuenti. Tenía un mensaje; era suyo… No me preguntes por qué pero se me puso el corazón a mil. Quizás era sólo la satisfacción de que de todas las que le miraban, se fijara en mí… Comenzamos a hablar y decidimos vernos… Meses después comenzamos una relación y a día de hoy es mi pareja.
Sé que no es la historia más bonita del mundo, no es eso lo que pretendo. A veces, las cosas pasan cuando menos te lo esperas y  con quien menos te lo esperas. Yo no quería enamorarme simplemente pasó. Supe que era él  cuando  le miré y me recorrió por primera vez ese  cosquilleo desde el dedo gordo del pie hasta el último pelo de la cabeza. Ese don que desarrollé, de detectar su olor a metros de distancia. Ese juego al que me aficioné de contar los lunares de su espalda y saberme de memoria todos sus puntos débiles. Esa sonrisa que se hizo habitual  cada vez que se me venían los momentos a la cabeza. Ese abrazo que se volvió medicina en los momentos más duros por los que pasé. Esa cara que se me venía escuchando todas las canciones de amor del momento. Amor, amor es eso que dicen que tanto ha cambiado con las tecnologías y yo digo que sigue siendo el mismo. Porque amor, amor se compone de cariño y complicidad, esa parte que no cambia con el tiempo. Porque si el amor se hace bien no acaba. Porque amor es eso que  nunca llena, de lo que  siempre queremos más. Amor es el postre más dulce de la vida. Amor son ganas. Amor son personas. Amor es virtud. Amor, es sentirse bien con uno mismo, sentirse bien con los demás. A veces no hace falta que gire en torno a una persona. Amor, es eso que nos enseñan en casa y practicamos fuera. Amor es trasmitir energía y positividad con sólo una mirada. Amor es lo que siento. Amor es lo que todos acabamos descubriendo.
Se tú mismo y no busques nada, todo llega cuando menos te lo esperas. No hay  tren del amor  que salte su parada. En alguna de ellas estarás tú y cuando estés no dudes en subirte, dure lo que dure el viaje, vivirás una de las aventuras más bonitas de tu vida. Yo doy gracias a que decidí coger este tren y me encanta hacia donde me lleva. Espero verte algún día. Donde seas  tú quien me cuente  su historia.

Letters of secret love

Celia, Najwa and Sabrin.  The winners of the contest

Last Feb. 14th was a busy day in our school.  There was a sort of sweeter atmosphere than usual, which is always something grateful.
On the one hand they were the students of 4º ESO delivering their red and white carnations with their cards carrying the deepest messages of love and friendship.  It is so nice to see all pupils at school with flowers in their hands (some of them with huge bunches!!).  There is always a somebody for everybody.
On the other hand athe strict 5-member jury revealed the winners of the contest of love letters.  They were Celia Martín Gómez and Najwa Suadka (3º ESO) for the first prize; and Sabrin Yermak (1º BTO) for the second prize.  They were awarded with gift-cards and a diplomma as seen on the picture.
Great day at school.  Wish it was Saint Valentine's day every day!
Here you can read the first prize work, hope you like it.

Es impresionante como un ser humano puede amar a otro que ni si quiera ha visto ni tocado, contando su vida, sus mierdas y preguntándose por que siguen en este mundo putrefacto, por un chat.
Compartir música, aficiones, pensamientos… más tarde llega la confianza y empezáis a tontear, te despides de tus amigos por Whatsapp pero la única conversación que recuerdas es la suya, no puedes evitarlo, te lo imaginas a tu lado, tan presente…y es ahí cuando surge el gran problema: solo te conectas para hablar con él, miras cada dos por tres su última conexión, dejas los estudios un poco apartados, te distancias del resto del mundo, cuando tu vida depende de él.
Un día, escuchas su voz por primera vez y todo te parece perfecto, ¿y los problemas que te ahogaban? No importan, conociste el amor de tu vida. Os pasáis fotos y os decís lo guapos que sois y que no podríais vivir el uno sin el otro, aparecen los “Buenos días, amor”, los “te quiero” cada dos palabras y las discusiones de quien quiere más al otro, pero queréis más y cada vez las fotos son más ligeras y comienzan las historias eróticas con vosotros de protagonistas.
Luego llegan los celos, piensas que está perdiendo el tiempo contigo y que lo que te dice es un “copiar y pegar” en cada chat. Os preguntáis, ¿qué somos? Porque lo que sentís no es amistad, cualquiera diría que sois novios, pero os negáis a aceptarlo, vivís lejos el uno del otro y eso os da rabia, os rompe en mil pedazos. Os decís que os esperaréis, “será poco tiempo” os repetís, han pasado 8 meses desde el día que te metiste en ese chat , comienzas a imaginar vuestro encuentro cada vez más, no puedes aguantar pero recuerdas que para conseguirlo deberéis luchar los dos y así lo prometéis.
Ya han pasado 12 meses, no esperabas enamorarte de él, intentas fijarte en sus defectos pero lo único que ves son virtudes, te da igual su pasado, solo te importa el presente y él, le quieres tal y como es.
Esta la historia de:
Ella, una chica alegre que se ríe por todo y que a veces es un poco (bastante) cabrona, ahora, experimentando su primer amor.
Él es un chico encantador, con ingenio, deportista y a veces un poco (bastante) pervertido, ahora, enamorado de una chica que vive a kilómetros de él.

Pero si te crees que después de leer todo lo anterior piensas que conoces a todos los personajes de la historia, te equivocas, falta una pieza en este rompecabezas amoroso y es ella: la que no sabe nada, ni de los “te quiero”, ni de las fotos, las conversaciones, de las promesas, los celos…pero, algo ha cambiado, lo nota: esas prisas por irse a casa, los “El línea” sin hablar con ella, las escusas sin sentido, las mentiras…Ella está en una nube, tiene a un novio deportista, ingenioso y encantador con el que ha pasado día tras día durante dos años, pero ahora no sabe que el ángel que la elevaba hacia el cielo la está dejando caer poco a poco, no sabe que hasta los ángeles tienen su lado oscuro.

No nos damos cuenta, pero a veces el precio del amor es muy alto, tanto, que puede significar el sufrimiento de otra persona.

 Tú no lo sabes, pero puedes influir mucho en la vida de alguien al igual que otros pueden influir en la tuya, a veces de forma positiva ,otras de forma negativa, pero lo quieras o no, terminas siendo una anécdota, un recuerdo doloroso, una lección o, por qué no, la razón por la que alguien se levanta día a día de la cama a pesar de que las cosas parezcan no tener salida.

Top February

Click on the image and you could see the video with comments of this journey and the others journeys of the month!

Top 10 February 14th

Interview to Daniel


1.- What instrument do you play?
I play the piano.

2.- How long have you been playing for?
I´ve been playing for 6 years.

3.- Why did you start playing?
I don´t remember exactly, but I think music drew my attention, so I started at the initiation level when I was just 6.  Later on, at 8, I started piano.

4.- How long does it take you per week?
I take it like a hobby (in fact, I don´t go to the conservatory) so I don't play so much, around 6 or 7 hours per week.

5.- How long have you been practising at the music shool?
I have been practised since I was 6 up to 14.

6.- Whould you like to continue with this in a future? As a hobby or in a professional way?
No, I prefer to continue as a hobby. I've never thought of attending to the conservatory.

7.- What are your feelings on the stage?
My hands sweat before and after playing, but not while I am playing, I can concentrate myself and I forget I'm playing for all that people.

8.- What did you prefer? Playing at solist or in a group? Do you play in any group?
I prefer playing as a solist, because I can play what I want, but I don't mind playing in group.

9.- Whould you like to start playing another instrument?
The truth is that I don't have any other favourite instrument.

10.- Who are your musical idols? Whould you like to be like them?
I don't have any musical idols, but I like Schumman and Bach.



We know that next February 14th the famous St Valentine's Day is worldwide celebrated. The high school  continues demonstrating the talent that the boys and girls of the centre have. That's why we have called all students to take part in a contest based on letters, with the topic of love. We hope that the demand could be high and we'd also like  to do an exhibition of letters on the walls of the corridors. Sincerely we think that it is a good idea that youngsters show their feelings and their talent. Since it is not compulsory to sign the real name, and you can hand your writings in under a pseudonym, no-one would feel forced to demonstrate what they feel. 
Another activity carried out by students these days has its aim in raising funds for the end-of-year school trip for 4º. They have decided to sell red carnations (for love), white carnations (make friends) and sweets and candies skewers in order to earn some money and so to do a small favour to the parents.  Next Friday 14th they will be delivered by the same boys and girls of 4 ºESO. 
Here we leave you a small pic of some students down at work of organizing and getting everything ready in time.


In our first article about overhaulin we will talk about customized cars, this is a very curious issue because it's really amazing what we can do with cars, look at this:

Here we have an Opel Astra tuning car, in the top-right photo we can see how it was before and how it's now.

Here we have the Mercedes C63 AMG

Here we have the  Ford Mustang 67.

Pain and Gain


The plot of this movie is based on a true story, revolves around a Florida bodybuilders plan the kidnapping, robbery and murder of a wealthy businessman. However, the victim did not die and recovered secret. In fact, he hires a private detective to locate his captors in order to avenge them.


Brennan Heart - Leiva - Avicii

Brennan Heart

Brennan Heart (real name Fabian Bohn; born 2 March 1982) is a hardstyle producer and DJ from the Netherlands.

- Bang The Bass
- Light The Fire (2011 Mix)
- Punk Fanatic (Original Mix)
- Running Late (Original) / Lift Me Up
-Heart - We Can Escape (Intents Anthem 2012)
- What's It Gonna Be / Running Late
- Life That We Dream Of
- Imaginary



Leiva is the stage name of José Miguel rabbit Torres (Madrid, 28 April 1980), Spanish singer-songwriter and a musician. Between 2001 and 2010 he led together with Rubén Pozo pop rock band laziness, which recorded 6 albums. After the dissolution of the Group he began his solo career.

With Pereza:

·         2001: Pereza.

·         2002: Algo para cantar.

·         2003: Algo para encantar.
·         2004: Algo para cantar (edición especial).
·         2005: Animales.
·         2005: Princesas.
·         2006: Los amigos de los animales.
·         2007: Aproximaciones.
·         2009: Baires.
·         2009: Aviones.
·         2010: 10 años


2012: Diciembre

2014: Pólvora




Tim Bergling (born 8 September 1989), better known by his stage name Avicii, is a Swedish DJ, remixer, and record producer.  Avicii ranked at number 6 on DJ Magazine's annual Top 100 DJs.

-You make me

-Wake me up


-Hey brother 


Interview to Yeray


1.-What instrument do you play?
Cello and guitar

2.-How long have you been playing for?
I have played the guitar for the last 8 years and cello for the last 5.

3.- Why did you start playing?
I always used to see my uncle playing the guitar and I felt jelous and so I wanted to play like him, till the day that I was given my first guitar and I started to play.

4.- How long does it take you per week?
As many hours as I can everyday after going to the consev in Madrid. About 10-13 hours for both instruments.

5.- How many years do you think you are going to be in the conservatory?
I'd like to finish all I have started. About 10 although you can, of course, go further, but I haven´t got any clear idea yet.

6.-Would you like to continue with this in a future? As a hobby or in a professional way?
Yes, and I don´t mind the way, always as a hobby and in a professional way, it depends on how lucky I´ll be.

7.- What are you feelings on the stage?
If it is a solo, I get very nervous till I atart playing. When it is in a group, I enjoy from the very beginning.

8.- What did you prefer: playing like a solist or in a group? Do you play in a group?
Clearly in a group. I've been playing as a guitarrist in a rock group in Alcorcón. 

9.- Whould you like to start playing another instrument?
I just started the piano and I also like to start playing the drums.

10.- Who are your idols in music? Whould you like to be like them?
James Hetfield and J.S. Bach. And I whould like to be like them only in the musical way. They are outstanding musicians.

NBA February all top

In this section we'll include the best videos of the best basketball league of the world,  NBA! It will host the top, the most interesting and curious videos!

Top 10 February 14th
Here we're at your daily Top All Starts plays of the NBA
10. Lillard (0) (Portland Trail Blazers) see perfectly Waiters (3) (Cleveland Cavaliers) and they starts the first top 10 of all starts with an alley oop!
9. An other alley oop from the same Lillard (0) (Portland Trail Blazers) but now the beneficiary is Terrence Jones (6) (Houston Rockets)
8. Good dunk of Anthony Davis (23) (New Orleans Pelicans)!
7. In this top 7 we can see a beautiful cap of Plumlee (1) (Brooklyn Nets)! He frutrated his opponent!
6. Now we can see a good play of WEBB that finish Plumlee (1) (Brooklyn Nets) with a great one hand dunk!!
5. Another Plumlee now de 22 of Phoenix Suns makes a big cap to Anthony Davis (23) (New Orleans Pelicans)
4. Tim Hardaway Jr. (5) (New York Knicks) takes advantage of the great all court pass and does this fantastic back dunk!!
3. Very good pass of the number 80 of the East, and the woman with the number 4 takes advantage of it!
2. Beautiful 360 reverse in the air of Hardaway Jr. (5) (New York Knicks)!! So nice!!
1. Great play of Anthony Davis (23) (New Orleans Pelicanas) who first does a magnific cap to his oponent and then finish the play with a good alley oop from Oladipo (5) (Orlando Magic)

Top 5 February 13th

Here we're at your daily Top plays of the NBA
5. We go to Chicago and starts this top 5 with a counterattack of Bulls with the end dunk of Gibson (22) (Chicago Bulls)!
4. A good movement of Durant (35) (Oklahoma City Thunder) that  Reggie Jackson (15) (Oklahoma City Thunder) see perfectly the movement and they makes the alley oop!
3. A good bounce effect pass of Marshall (12) (LA Lakers) for an eassy two points of Williams (3) (LA Lakers).
2. Kevin Durant (35) (Oklahoma City Thunder) makes a beautiful dunk in a steal of the Thunders!
1. Very good pat of Butler (21) (Chicago Bulls) that gives an eassy dunk for Noah (13) (Chicago Bulls)

Top 10 February 12th
Here we're at your daily Top plays of the NBA
10. Very good play of Charlotte Bodcats with a back pass of McRoberts (11) (Charlotte Bodcats) and the dunk of Biyombo (0) (Charlotte Bodcats)
9. Oladipo (5) (Orlando Magic) take advantage of the counterattack where we have time a does a good dunk!
8. One big conection of the NBA is the conexion Harden (13) (Houston Rockets) and Howards (12) (Houston Rockets). We can see it in this alley oop.
7. In top we have the exhibition of Blake Griffin (32) (LA Clippers)
6. LeBron (6) (Miami Heat) is not only power, he has speed and he shows us this two qualities in this play!
5. I think that a perfect counterattack can be like this! The alley oop is fantastic! From Prigioni (9) (New York Knicks) to Chandler (6) (New York Knicks)
4. But if we talk of counterattacks Miami with LeBron James (6) (Miami Heat) they are one of the best!
3. Iguodala (6) (Golden State Warriors) wants to do the play only he and makes this great play with a fantastic dunk!
2. Harden (13) (Houston Rockets) anotes two points when Houston were 1 point down with the Wizards. Time left : 0,7 seconds!
1. Absolutely incredible LeBron (6) (Miami Heat)... no words! 2 points down and LeBron from the three shot zone anotes when 0,1 seconds left!!!!

Top 10 February 11th
Here we're at your daily Top plays of the NBA
10. Good play of LA Lakers that ends with an alley oop from Marshall (12) (LA Lakers) to Johnson (11) (LA Lakers)
9. Very good pass of Smith (3) (Phoenix Suns) that permits Barbosa (10) (Phoenix Suns) to anote 2 easy points.
8. Fantastic cap of Biyombo (0) (Charlotte Bodcats). Not in my house!! Said Biyombo!
7. Expectacular dunk of McLemore (16) (Sacramento Kings) between four rivals!!
6. Andersen (11) (Miami Heat) makes this fabulous dunk at the same time he was catching the rebound!
5. Nice play of Jhonson (3) (Memphis Grizzlies) who makes this back dunk when we all think he has not exit.
4. Magnific this two plays of Waiters (3) (Cleveland Cavaliers). Expectacular theirs air rectified and the perfect effect who gives to ball!
3. Excellent pass of Tucker (17) (Phoenix Suns) who makes a back pass out looking and attracks the defenders for a good definition of  Morris (11) (Phoenix Suns)
2. An excellent one hand dunk of Green (14) (Phoenix Suns) at the LeBron’s face. James can’t do anything!
1.  But now LeBron (6) (Miami Heat) appears with space and nobody near him, and LeBron likes it a lot!!

Top 10 February 10th
Here we're at your daily Top plays of the NBA
10. Excellent alley oop from Lin (7) (Houston Rockets) to Jones (6) (Houston Rockets)
9. The start of this top 9 is the cap of Drummond (0) (Detroit Pistons)!!
8. Very good the feeling of Golden State Warriors in this match, we can see it at the scores’ table. This play is an example of this!! Iguodala (9) (Golden State Warriors)
7. Amazing the Stephenson’s (1) (Indiana Pacers)  dribbling!! Expectacular!
6. Drummond (0) (Detroit Pistons) appears another time to stars this alley oop from Jennings (7) (Detroit Pistons)
5.Faried (35) (Denver Nuggets) take advantage of the good pass of his partner and make this beautiful dunk!
4. Shved (1) (Minnesota Timberwolves) enters in the zone without fair!!
3. Smith (6) (Detroit Pistons) measures perfectly his steps and makes this nice dunk!!
2. Fantastic alley oop from Rivers (26) (New Orleans Pelicans) to Davis (23) (New Orleans Pelicans) who appears from anywhere!

1. Gordon (10) (New Orleans Pelicans) is very lucky today and stars this top 1 play!!

Top 10 February 9th
Here we're at your daily Top plays of the NBA
10. It looks easy how Green (8) (Boston Celtics) enters in the Dallas Mavericks’ zone!1
9. Clevelant Cavaliers are two points down of the Memphis and in a good counterattack Irvin (2) (Cleveland Cavaliers) makes a 2+1!!
8. Serge Ibaka (9) (Oklahoma City Thunder) makes this expectacular dunk!! Brutal!
7. Griffin (32) (LA Clippers) likes the air and makes a beuautifull dunk protecting the ball with his right and dunks with the left one!
6. Alley oop from Griffin (32) (LA Clippers) to DeAndre (6) (LA Clippers) who knows how to finish!
5.An other expectacular alley oop from Terry (31) (Brooklyn Nets) to Plumlee (1) (Brooklyn Nets). Big jump!
4. Amazing the dunk of Acy (5) (Sacramento Kings) who celebrate effusibely the play!
3. Very good dribbling of Paul George (24) (Indiana Pacers) but the definition is better!!!
2. A fantastic dunk of Waiters (3) (Cleveland Cavaliers) who up the difference in overtime to 6 with 40 seconds left!

1. This is the feeling of the LA Clippers stars by Griffin (32) (LA Clippers). They are very good this year!!

Top 10 February 8th
Here we're at your daily Top plays of the NBA
10. Walker (15) (Charlotte Bodcats) makes a fantastic play of two points and makes his team to win at the final of the 3rd quater!
9. Kanter (0) (Utah Jazz) imposes at the zone and makes this brutal dunk!
8. A good alley oop form Lin(7) (Houston Rockets) to Howards (12) (Houston Rockets).
7. Willians (2) (Utah Jazz) makes a magnific cap to Battier (31) (Miami Heat)
6.  Good counterattack of the eleven of the Houston Rockets who has time for do wath we want!
5. Monroe (10) (Detroit Pistons) has space and this can be very dangerous!
4. Walker (15) (Charlotte Bodcats) steals the ball and pass for an alley oop to Henderson (9) (Charlotte Bodcats)
3. Green (14) (Phoenix Suns) see the straight street to the ring and hit it!
2. Other time Green (14) (Phoenix Suns) wants to appear in the top and gives us this fantastic dunk!!
1. Hickson (7) (Denver Nuggets) eats his defensor!! Beautiful 

Top 10 February 7th

Here we're at your daily Top plays of the NBA
10 He is Steve Nash (10) (LA Lakers) and this are some of his best plays of the last match!
9. Smith (6) (Detroit Pistons) introduces into the kitchen without fair and finishes with a one hand dunk!
8.  Look at this pass!! Look at it!! Incredible! From Billups (1) (Detroit Pistons) to Brummond (0) (Detroit Pistons) who finishes the play!
7. Alonzo Gee (33) (Clevelant Cavaliers) imposes at the rebound and hit the ring at the same time!!
6. A excellent play of the New York Knicks!! More exactly of Smith (8) (New York Knicks) and the finished of  Tyler (4) (New York Knicks)
5. Blake Griffin (32) (LA Clippers)!!! Expectacular Griffin! See it please!
4. Expectacular alley oop of Brandan Wright (34) (Dallas Mavericks) who catches the ball in the air with one hand and then without space dunk!!
3. Terrence Ross (31) (Toronto Raptors) introduces between 4 rivals! Makes and beuatiful dunk who position him in top 3!
2 Tony Wroten (8) (Philadelphia 76ers) shots from the free line shots of his court!! Very Lucky!
1. Incredible!! It’s amazing how can change all in basketball in a couple of seconds!! Magnific! Oladipo (5) (Orlando Magics) takes the rebound pass to Harkless (21) (Orlando Magic) who prefers pass to Harris (12) (Orlando Magic) who DUNK the ring in the LAST SECOND!!

Top 5 February 6th
Here we're at your daily Top plays of the NBA
5. Augustin (14) (Chicago Bulls) makes a fantastic dribbling and leaves the ball in the air for a confortable 2 points!
4. Gibson (22) (Chicago Bulls) takes a rebound and in the same times dunk!! Wonderfull!!
3. Iguodala (9) (Golden State Warriors steals the ball  and makes a fantastic dunk with one hand!!
2. We continue in the same match and see this expectacular dunk from Green (23) (Golden State warriors) in the face of Noah (13) (Chicago Bulls)!
1. We see the amazing dunk with one hand of Teletovic (33) (Brooklyn Nets) but we also can see the fantastic pass of Kirilenko (47) (Brooklyn Nets)

Top 10 February 5th
Here we're at your daily Top plays of the NBA
10. J.J. Hickson (7) (Denver Nuggets) see the road to the ring and go fast to it!!
9.Millsap (4) (Atlanta hawks) receives a great pass and dunk in the face of his defender!
8. Blake Griffin (32) (LA Clippers) takes a fantastic pass and without looking putt he ball into the ring!!
7. A genious alley oop from Crawford (11) (LA Clippers) that takes DeAndre Jordan (6) (LA Clippers) and do a back dunk!
6. Smith (6) (Detroit Pistons) runs inside the zone without fear and dunk between two rivals!!
5. Hardaway Jr. (5) (New York Knicks) have time and nobody between him and the ring and can do what he want!!
4.A three point shot from not only the middle… from the three point line of his court! Wroten (8) (Philadelphia 76ers)
3 This is LeBron (6) (Miami Heat) flying in the air and dunk with one hand!! Amazing!
2. Big mistake of the San Antonio Spurs losing a ball that costs the tie with 1.4 seconds left! The man who converts was Wall (2) (Washington Wizards)

1. Blake Griffin (32) (LA Clippers)!! Incredible dunk!! It’s for see it!!

Top 5 February 4th
Here we're at your daily Top plays of the NBA
5. A good three point shot from the middle of the court when the time was over in the 3rd qtr! from Speights (5) (Golden State Warriors).
4. A very good alley oop from Steve Nash (10) (LA Lakers)  from the middle court to Johnson (11) (LA Lakers)!
3. McRoberts penetrates in the zone and makes this animal dunk!
2. Stephenson (1) (Indiana Pacers) runs between four rivals and makes a difficult shot when someone had hit him!
1.Paul George (24) (Indiana Pacers) steals the ball and have time for makes this amazing dunk!

Top 10 February 3rd
Here we're at your daily Top plays of the NBA
10. A good form of start a top is like this alley oop! From Paul Pierce (34) (Brooklyn Nets) to Livingston (14) (Brooklyn Nets)
9. Good conbination of the Washington Wizards that finish Webster (4) (Washington Wizards) with a good dunk!
8. Kevin Durant (35) (Oklahoma City Thunder) highlights also in defense and give as this sutil cap!
7. José Calderón (8) (Dallas Mavericks) see the gap and pass throughing it to Wright (34) (Dallas Mavericks) for a confortable one hand dunk!
6. Rudy Gay (8) (Sacramento Kings) makes a individual play and he see the narrow corridor!
5.Paul George (24) (Indiana Pacers) steals a ball of imp! and enters in the top five with George Hill (3) (Indiana Pacers) with this nice alley oop!!
4. Hickson (7) (Denver Nuggets) finishes what his mate can't! and in a great form...
3. Lebron (6) (Miami Heat) don't need two hand for dunk!! He shows it to us in this alley oop. He receives the ball and dunk with only a hand!! Excellent!
2. Incredible this winner three shot from Knight (11) (Milwaukee Bucks). 1.6 seconds left in the match!
1. In basketball anything is posible! We see another winner three shot but now the context is a little bit difference, because he shot from 2 meter farder than the three pionts land and the Denver Nuggets is two point less than Clippers and the time is over!! The man who makes it posible is Randy Foye (4) (Denver Nuggets)

Top 3 February 2nd
Here we're at your daily Top plays of the NBA
3.Three plays of the Orlando Magic - Boston Celtics, and here we see a nice play of Rondo (9) (Boston Celtics)
2. At number two! Another time Rondo (9) (Boston Celtics) with an amazing bounce pass that permits Bass (30) (Boston Celtics) to dunk easily!
1. A fantastic cap of Jeff Green (8) (Boston Celtics) that stops the counterattack of the Magics!!

Top 10 February 1st
Here we're at your daily Top plays of the NBA
10. Beautiful and lucky play in which Griffin (32) (LA Clippers) is forced to shoot and the ball walks on the board and finally gets in!
9. A good counterattack that Ricky Rubio (9) starts (Minnesota Timberwolves) who steals the ball and assists Brewer (13) (Minnesota Timberwolves).
8. First a cap of Millsap (4) (Atlanta Hawks) and the counterattack finishes in a good alley oop by Scott (32) (Atlanta Hawks) after a good combination of the Atlanta’s team.
7. Durant (35) (Oklahoma City Thunder) who appears with a good dunk after a good stealing by Jackson (15) (Oklahoma City Thunder).
6. Ricky Rubio (9) (Minnesota Timberwolves) infiltrates in the zone and does a back pass for an easy dunk of Turiaf (32) (Minnesota Timberwolves).
5. An alley oop from de middle part of the court from Crawford (11) (LA Clippers) to Blake Griffin (32) (LA Clippers) that finally the alley oop with a back dunk!!
4. Lillard (0) (Portland Trail Blazers) with his 1,91m run inside the zone between the rivals and dunk with one hand!
3. A very nice alley oop that it’s from a pic and roll that finally DeAndre Jordan (6) (LA Clippers) jumping near the free shot line!
2. Again DeAndre Jordan (6) (LA Clippers) who is behind the ring but goes back and dunks when nobody expects it!!
1. At number 1 we have a beautiful alley oop from Beverley (2) (Houston Rockets) using the board and Harden (13) (Houston Rockets) arrives to finish what he just had begun.